Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Scavenger Hunt Questions

1. Who was the creator of the infamous "lovebug" computer virus?

Onel De Guzman


2. Who invented the paper clip?

The modern paper clip was patented on November 9, 1899 to William D. Middlebrook of Waterbury, Connecticut.


3. How did the Ebola virus get its name?

The virus gets its name from a river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where it was first recognized.

4. What country had the largest recorded earthquake?

the largest being in 1737, and was the worst natural disaster in India in more than 50 years.

5. In computer memory/storage terms, how many kilobytes in a terabyte?

The definition of a megabyte is 1,024 kilobytes; however many people think of it as 1,000 kilobytes.The definition of a gigabyte is 1,024 megabytes; however many people think of it as 1,000 megabytes.The definition of a terabyte is 1,024 gigabytes; however many people think of it as 1,000 gigabytes

Therefore 1024 x 1024 x 1024 = 1 073 741 824 kilobytes = 1 terabyte

6. Who is the creator of email?

A computer engineer called Ray Tomlinson invented internet-based mail in late 1971.

7. What is the storm worm, and how many computers are infected by it?

It starts with an email, and once the email is opened, the file attached is executed, and then it spreads. The computer becomes apart of the "Storm Botnet", which basically means a network where the RAM, hard disk space, and computing power is used in a "collective" net. It is estimated to have infected betweem 2 and 5 million computers.

8. If you wanted to contact the prime minister of australia directly, what is the most efficient way?

Through either of these sites:

9. Which Brisbane-based punk band is Stephen Stockwell (Head of the School of Arts) a member of?

The Black Assassins.

10. What does the term "Web 2.0" mean in your own words?

Most people believe that web 2.0 is the collection of networking programs. These include Limewire, Google, Wikipedia, BitTorrent etc.

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