Tuesday, April 8, 2008

About me ..... (Danny)

Hi, my name is Danny and this is my blog page. I’d give you a warm welcome and encourage you too look around, but since this is my first EVER blog all you are really going to be looking at is the few lines of text below here.

How about I start off with a brief description of myself.

Im currently in my first year at Griffith University studying Media and Communication because i would love to get a job in the media one day and .....well....communicate. I've lived all around the world and just generally like chillin with mates, going out and having an all round great time.

My job over the next 13 weeks is to enter the “Blogosphere” and write to you about what I have learnt in the lectures, tutorials and the voluntary research I do during the week. Please note- No voluntary research has yet to be conducted, but when I run out of beer we will be underway.

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