Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Walter Benjamin's Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction and Contemporary Digital Media

In the eyes of Walter Benjamin, ‘Aura represented authenticity.’ His idea being that anything perceived to be replicating original art form, lacked authentic value. Nowadays, contemporary digital media such as, music, film and television would be viewed by Benjamin as unauthentic as well. An example of this would be viewing a movie. This is replicated due to camera and would only be considered authentic if an audience were to watch it as a live performance. Walter Benjamin believed digital things were not genuine forms of art, due to their lack of ‘aura.’

In this day and age, it is possible for anyone to digitally produce “Art.” This will no doubt continue on into the future due to the progression of technology, and due to the inevitably of this being the trend, it is crucial to distinguish the two types. Therefore when keeping Benjamin’s ideas in mind, the line can be drawn at digital technology in terms of when art loses its authenticity.

With this in mind, I firmly believe that “Art”, whether it be in the past, present or future, has its place in society. History represents change and will continue to do so as long as the earth keeps revolving. Yesterday’s artist is today’s graphic designer. Who knows what tomorrow’s artist will be???

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